Striving 2

I help breast cancer patients gain a sense of calm control and peace of mind over their cancer journey and ultimately their overall health and wellbeing.

If you have recently been diagnosed with breast cancer, then you are in the right place for hope, inspiration and direction. Download your free Health History Form by clicking the button above. Simply document your personal and family's medical history and make copies for each new doctor you visit!

‘One day you will tell your story of what you went through and it will become someone else’s survival guide!’             – Brene  Brown

So, What's Next...

None of us has the luxury of knowing what lies ahead; however, peace of mind does come from being prepared and having a solid support system. Download the free Medical History Form above and you will be one step closer to gaining a sense of control over your cancer journey.

This blog is a place where you can come for hope, encouragement inspiration and support at every stage of your cancer journey and beyond.  Each of us has a unique story to tell, as well as a unique way of coping and healing and each survivor is accepted and honored for how far she has come along the journey.

If you are interested in learning more About Me and My Journey Through Cancer and Beyond you may click the links to read more.

Please join me as I dive deep into researching and exploring new ways of Striving2BeWell and dare I say, live a thriving, purposeful life in spite of our cancer diagnosis.  Let’s get started, shall we!

DISCLAIMER:  I am nowhere near an expert in any field, but I do have many years of experience with the patient-side of the medical industry and I would like to share the lessons and wisdom I have gained from my personal journey with you.  The information contained within this site is for research and informational purposes only and should not be considered medical advice of any form.  

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