A Little Bit About Me:

Hey, Hi, and Hello!  I’m so glad you decided to stop by.  I am just an ordinary gal on a mission to help fellow cancer survivors, -regardless of where you are along your journey- regain a sense of peace and wellbeing during cancer treatment and beyond.  I hope you will join me on the journey of Striving2BeWell.

Me Before Cancer...

I have always been an independent soul and a free spirit.  I have traveled across the United States on several occasions with a motorcycle, a tent and a toothbrush.  I feel I have lived a very full life and have been blessed with amazing adventures.  I have experienced many life lessons that have forced me to look at life a bit different than most.  My name is Amy and I am a self-proclaimed HOT MESS EXPRESS!!!  I am married to my husband of 18 years and let me tell you; it has been one hell of a ride.  I am an imperfect Christian, an unconventional, misguided wife and a ‘still-trying-to-figure-this-parenting-thing-out’ mother of one truly amazing teenage daughter; who despite my most inept efforts has really become a well-adjusted young woman ready to take on the world.  I feel truly blessed that my hubby and daughter have stuck by my side through this rollercoaster of a ride, I call my life.  I really have had quite the journey so far and it is far from over; I even have the medical rap-sheet to prove it!

Quick Overview of the Last 16 years...

Here’s a little background on me and why I FINALLY decided to start this blog.  I needed a platform to reach out to other women who are 50ish and still trying to figure it all out through multiple medical setbacks. I have struggled with depression and anxiety most of my life and at times it has been completely debilitating.  I am a two-time Breast Cancer survivor; first diagnosed in 10/2006 when my daughter was only one and a half years old and again in 6/2010 just about the time she was due to start Kindergarten.  I have had close to 20 surgeries, extensive toxic chemotherapy treatments (14 rounds to be exact), 25 rounds of radiation, a mastectomy and tram-flap breast reconstructive surgery. Although I currently have no visible disease; I am on a 3-week infusion rotation of a drug called Herceptin to keep any returning cancer cells at bay.  I will continue with this regimen indefinitely; which I hope proves to be a very long time.  In Nov of 2017 I had a minor stroke due to my left carotid artery being completely (100%) blocked.  The chemo alone had wreaked havoc on my body, but the radiation reduced my left neck area to leather and my internal artery was hardened to scar tissue, rendering it useless for feeding blood and oxygen to my brain.   

My Mission...

My story is not meant to scare you, but to precursor my mission, which is to help as many cancer patients as possible gain a sense of calm control and peace of mind over their cancer journey and ultimately their overall health and wellbeing for years to come.

I have struggled with finding new ways of functioning after each trauma that has been inflicted on my body.  Now, at the age of 53, I am grateful to be alive; but feel that I am still Striving2BeWell.  Did you see what I did there? If you would like all the gory details of my cancer journey, you may read the following post (which will eventually be a 3-part series).  My Journey Through Cancer and Beyond 

Grab your free Medical History Form by signing up below ...... And never have to fill out another Health History form again.

Several Interesting Facts about me:


  • I love coffee and White Zinfandel/Sprite Spritzers.    
  • I have ridden motorcycles approximately 10 years of my life, pre-cancer of course.
  • My first job was mucking stalls, saddling/ unsaddling 20-25 horses and bringing clients on hour long trail-rides by myself from sun-up ’til sun-down. I was only 14 yrs. old and received $10.00/day.    
  • I am very creative and enjoy tackling just about any DIY project. I always have several projects going at any given time.

Reasons why you should follow my page:

  1. Free Medical History form.
  2. On-going support, inspiration, direction and hope.
  3. The ‘Cancer Sucks’ Treatment Planner…. coming soon!
  4. Tips and tricks I have learned along my journey.
  5. Product reviews and research regarding all-natural, complimentary protocols geared toward healing the mind, body and spirit.
  6. I use creativity as therapy and will occasionally offer goodies from time-2-time from my Creativity Corner….stay-tuned!
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